Visiting Scholar: Larry Blume

Advisor Lawrence Blume visited the Stone Center from September 26 to September 28, 2023 to collaborate with Director Steven Durlauf and Research Associate Aleksandra (Sasha) Lukina and develop new measures of intergenerational mobility. This working paper characterized the memory of the initial generation’s status in the stochastic process that links the socioeconomic classes of parents and children. It aims to illustrate methods by estimating intergenerational occupational memory curves with U.S. survey data. This paper was presented at the New Methods to Measure Intergenerational Mobility conference and is expected to be included in the Stone Center-organized special issue of the journal Sociological Methods and Research by Fall 2024.
Relevant Publication
- Blume, L., Durlauf, S, Lukina, A. Forthcoming. “Some New Approaches to Characterizing Intergenerational Persistence via Markov Chains.”