Visiting Scholar: Zhencen Liu

Zhencen Liu was a visiting Ph.D. student from Peking University. She visited the Stone Center from February 19 to May 3, 2023 to work on two research projects related to migration and regional development. The first project analyzed effects of rural-urban low-skilled migration on the mobility of high-skilled labor in Chinese cities, which experienced rapid urbanization with a significant size of 376 million internal migrants by 2020. This project showed that every 10 arrivals of low-skilled immigrants is associated with an inflow of 2 high-skilled laborers, with a small decrease in the high-skilled outflow. his result can be attributed to the low-skilled migrants entering the services sector, thereby enhancing the local living amenity. The second project delved into the strategic tax enforcement behavior of local governments in China, emphasizing deliberate enforcement adjustments aimed at attracting firms, consequently fostering spatial distribution dispersion.
Relevant Publications
- Chen, R., Liu, Z., Liu, Z., & Nie, Z. Forthcoming. Rural Migration, Skill Complementarity and the Mobility of Talent: Evidence from China
- Liu, Z. Forthcoming. Tax Enforcement Competition and Regional Development