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Summer School on Socioeconomic Opportunity and Inequality at the Institute of Applied Economic Research

Admit-only training for advanced Ph.D. students and early career faculty led by a roster of multidisciplinary leading scholars.
Categories One-Time Event | Training
Location Setor de Edifícios Públicos Sul SEPS) 702/902 Ipea/Iphan, BL C Torre B - Asa Sul, Brasília - DF, 70390-025, Brazil
Research Areas Mobility, Income, Wealth

The Summer School on Socioeconomic Opportunity and Inequality seeks to provide the next generation of scholars with the multidisciplinary underpinning necessary for effective research on inequality dynamics. It features leading scholars tackling inequality research from the lens of economics, sociology, and public policy, to foster cross-disciplinary approaches to inequality research and public policy evaluation regarding long-term inequality issues. It also engages advanced Ph.D. students and early-career faculty through immersive lectures on state-of-the-art methods for inequality research, one-on-one and small-group meetings with senior researchers, and poster sessions where summer school students can receive input on their early-stage research from the research community. The summer schools are designed to yield long-term benefits in creating lasting intellectual links that can be pursued long after the conclusion of the meetings. Organized in partnership between the Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality, the International Inequalities Institute at LSE, and the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) in Brasilia, Brazil.  

Participation is by invitation only.

To submit a paper for the conference please visit our Call for Papers page. To apply as a summer school participant please visit our Call for Applications page

This program is made possible through equal support from the Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality, the International Inequalities Institute at LSE, and the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA).