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Book Talk on The Greatest of All Plagues by David Lay Williams

The event will explore the problem of inequality through diverse intellectual traditions and reflect on its threats to society.
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About the Book

Since World War II, socioeconomic inequality has grown in the United States and the developed world. This widening wealth gap has been accompanied by the rise of authoritarian populism, social distrust, and political instability. These modern challenges, however, have deep historical roots. In The Greatest of All Plagues, David Lay Williams reminds us that inequality has long been a central concern in the history of Western political thought. Drawing on canonical figures ranging from Plato to Marx, the book demonstrates how critiques of inequality underlie major intellectual traditions. These critiques not only grapple with the economic consequences of inequality but also illuminate its moral and political implications, offering a framework for understanding and addressing contemporary concerns.

Join DePaul University Professor David Lay Williams for a panel discussion about his book with Steven Durlauf, Director of the Stone Center, and Chiara Cordelli, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. John McCormick will moderate the conversation. The event will explore the problem of inequality through diverse intellectual traditions and foster critical reflection on the threats it poses to society.

This event is a collaboration between the Stone Center and the Political Theory Workshop.

Click the image below to watch the conversation.


Start Time End Time Session Session Leader(s)
4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Registration
5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Discussion Moderator:

John McCormick


David Lay Williams

Steven Durlauf 

Chiara Cordelli