Grace Kolavo
Executive Director, Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality and Mobility
Grace Kolavo has dedicated her career to running research centers at the University of Chicago. Beginning as an Associate Director of the Becker Friedman Institute, she managed the resources of a hub for economic research headed by Nobel laureate economist Lars Peter Hansen. Then, as the Director of Operations of the Center for the Economics of Human Development, she served as both chief administrator and chief of staff to drive forward the research on the science behind skill development spearheaded by Nobel laureate economist James Heckman. Now, as the inaugural Executive Director of the Stone Center and administrative counterpart to esteemed economist Steven Durlauf, she launched and now leads a vibrant research consortium for the interdisciplinary study of inequality.
Cherry on top, Kolavo earned both a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and a Master’s of Business Administration with concentrations in Accounting, Behavioral Science, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management from the University of Chicago.