
What it is and why it is important

Environment research investigates how human activities and policies impact the natural world and, conversely, how environmental changes affect human societies.

By examining how environmental issues disproportionately affect different communities, our research promotes fair and just solutions to environmental inequality.

Key research topics in this field include:

  • The effects of climate change, pollution, and resource depletion on communities and economies.
  • Environmental justice, focusing on the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens.
  • The development and effectiveness of policies aimed at promoting sustainability and reducing environmental harm.

Related Research Papers

Of Cities and Slums

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Concentrated poverty, ambient air pollution, and child cognitive development


Episode #6: Matthew Kahn on Climate Change Economics

Featured Episode In Environment

September 11, 2023
GuestsMatthew Kahn
Steven and Matthew Kahn discuss the interactions between inequality and climate change. Matthew outlines how changes in the environment alter lives across the globe, from hurricane-ravaged residents of New Orleans to rice-farmers-turned-shrimp-sellers in Dhaka.