
What it is and why it is important

Gender research investigates how gender influences social structures, economic opportunities, and political dynamics. It also examines how social norms, values, and institutions perpetuate gender inequality.

Our research helps in developing policies and interventions that promote gender equity and inclusion in various sectors of society.

Key research topics in this field include:

  • Gender disparities in income, education, and employment.
  • The impact of gender on health outcomes and access to resources.
  • The role of gender in shaping social and political institutions and policies.

Related Research Papers

Generalized Multivariate Gaps: A Proposed Gender Gap

Working Paper

Episode #14: Janet Gornick on the Importance of Measuring Socio-Economic Inequality

Featured Episode In Gender

October 21, 2024
Steven Durlauf speaks with Janet Gornick, director of the Stone Center at CUNY and an expert on measuring socio-economic inequality. They discuss her work with LIS, gender inequality, family structure, and the future of interdisciplinary social science.