Curriculum Vitae
Steven Neil Durlauf
August 2024
B.A., magna cum laude, Economics, Harvard University, 1980.
Ph.D., M. Phil., M.A., Economics, Yale University, 1986.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University, 1986-1991.
- Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University, 1991-1993.
- Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993-1996.
- Professor, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996-2002.
- Kenneth J. Arrow Professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002-present.
- Laurents R. Christensen Professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009-2012.
- William F. Vilas Research Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011-2017.
- Steans Family Professor in Educational Policy, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, 2017-2024.
- Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, 2024-present.
Editorial Service
- Advisory Editor, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1996-present.
- Associate Editor, Revista de Econometria (Brazilian Review of Econometrics), 1994-present.
- Associate Editor, American Economic Review, 1995-1996.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Growth, 1996-present.
- Associate Editor, Empirical Economics, 1996-2001.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2001-2004.
- Associate Editor, Economic Bulletin, 2005-2007.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 2008-2009.
- Coeditor, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1995-2009.
- Coeditor, Quantitative Economics, 2009-2011.
- Editorial Board, Complexity, 1997-1998.
- Foreign Editor, Review of Economic Studies, 1996-1999.
- General Editor, New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2005-2009.
- Editor, Journal of Economic Literature, 2013-2022.
- General Editor, Handbooks in Economics, Elsevier, 2021-present.
Professional Appointments and Service
- National Bureau of Economic Research, Faculty Research Fellow, 1987-2005; Research Associate, 2005-present.
- Santa Fe Institute, Visiting Professor, Summer 1995, Science Board, 1996-2002, 2003-2006, Director, Economics Program 1996-1998, External Faculty, 2002-2005.
- Co-Chair, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Social Interactions and Economic Inequality, 1997-2005.
- Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Chicago, Spring Quarters 2009-2017.
- Econometric Society: Member, Committee on the Status of Econometrics in the Econometric Society, 2010; Member, Search Committee for Editor of Quantitative Economics, 2011; Chair, Ragnar Frisch Medal Committee, 2012; Member, Search Committee for Co-Editors of Quantitative Economics, 2012; Member, Ragnar Frisch Medal Committee, 2014.
- National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Deterrence and the Death Penalty, 2010-2011.
- Co-Leader, Network on Measurement and Interpretation of Inequality, part of Global Working Group on Human Capital and Economic Inequality, 2011-2022.
- Co-Director, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group, 2012-2022.
- Brennan Center for Justice, New York University, Economic Advisory Board, 2015-present.
- Visiting Professor, Singapore Management University, 2016-2020.
- International Advisory Board, New Economic School, Moscow, 2016-present.
- Associate Director, Center for the Economics of Human Development, University of Chicago, 2017-2020.
- Part-Time Professor, New Economic School, Moscow, 2020-present.
- Director, Stone Center for Research on Wealth and Mobility, University of Chicago, 2022-present.
Selected Awards and Honors
- Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard University, 1980.
- Fellow, Econometric Society, elected December 1997.
- WARF/University Houses Chair, University of Wisconsin, awarded December 2001; named in honor of Kenneth J. Arrow.
- Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, elected 2011.
- Vilas Research Professor, University of Wisconsin, awarded July 2011.
- Fellow, Society for Economic Measurement, 2014.
- Fellow, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, 2014.
- TW Schultz Memorial Lecture and Award, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2017.
- Founding Fellow, International Society for Applied Econometric Analysis, 2018.
- Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago, Awarded July 2024.
Publications and Research Papers
Doctoral Dissertation
- “Essays in Econometrics and Macroeconomics,” Department of Economics, Yale University, 1986. Principal Advisor: Peter C. B. Phillips.
- Long-Run Economic Growth, (coeditor with J. Helliwell and B. Raj), Heidelberg: PhysicaVerlag, 1996.
- The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II, (coeditor with W. B. Arthur and D. Lane), Redwood City: Addison-Wesley, 1997.
- Meritocracy and Economic Inequality, (coeditor with K. Arrow and S. Bowles), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999.
- Social Dynamics, (coeditor with H. P. Young), Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.
- Handbook of Economic Growth I, (coeditor with P. Aghion), Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2005.
- The Economy as an Evolving Complex System III (coeditor with L. Blume), New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
- Poverty Traps, (coeditor with S. Bowles and K. Hoff), Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006.
- Econometric Theory and Practice: Frontiers of Analysis and Applied Research, (coeditor with P. D. Corbae and B. Hansen), New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006,
- New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Revised Edition, (general editor with L. Blume), London: MacMillan, 2008.
- Handbook of Economic Growth 2 (coeditor with P. Aghion), Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013.
- Handbook of Econometrics, 7A (coeditors with L. Hansen, J. Heckman, and R. Matzkin, Amsterdam: Elsevier, forthcoming.
Book Manuscripts in Progress
- Cliometrics and Complexity, with A. Parent
- Meritocracy
- “Multiple Time Series Regression with Integrated Processes,” with P. C. B. Phillips, Review of Economic Studies, 53, 473-495, 1986.
- “Trends Versus Random Walks in Time Series Analysis,” with P. C. B. Phillips, Econometrica, 56, 1333-1354, 1988.
- “Output Persistence, Economic Structure and the Choice of Stabilization Policy,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2, 69-116, 1989.
- “Compositional Effects of Government Spending in a Two-Country Two-Sector Production Model,” with R. Staiger, Journal of International Economics, 28, 333-347, 1990.
- “Testing the Positive Theory of Government Finance,” with D. Bizer, Journal of Monetary Economics, 26, 123-141, 1990.
- “Spectral Based Testing of the Martingale Hypothesis,” Journal of Econometrics, 50, 355-376, 1991.
- “Multiple Equilibria and Persistence in Aggregate Fluctuations,” American Economic Review, 81, 70-74, 1991.
- “International Differences in Economic Fluctuations,” in Technology and the Wealth of Nations, R. Landau, D. Mowery and N. Rosenberg eds., Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992.
- “Time Series Properties of Aggregate Output Fluctuations,” Journal of Econometrics, 56, 39-56, 1993.
- “Nonergodic Economic Growth,” Review of Economic Studies, 60, 349-366, 1993. Reprinted in Complexity in Economics (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics), J. B. Rosser and K. Kramer eds., Edward Elgar, 2004.
- “Path Dependence in Aggregate Output,” Industrial and Corporate Change, 1, 149-172, 1994.
- “Spillovers, Stratification, and Inequality,” European Economic Review, 38, 836-845, 1994.
- “On the Evolution of Economic Status Across Generations,” with S. Cooper and P. Johnson, American Statistical Association, Business and Economic Section, Papers and Proceedings, 50-58, 1994.
- “Misspecification Versus Bubbles in the Cagan Hyperinflation Model,” with M. Hooker, in Nonstationary Time Series Analyses and Cointegration, C. Hargreaves, ed., Oxford University Press, 1994.
- “Convergence of International Output Movements,” with A. Bernard, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10, 97-108 1995.
- “Multiple Regimes and Cross-Country Growth Behavior,” with P. Johnson, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10, 365-384, 1995.
- “Measuring Noise in Inventory Models,” with L. Maccini, Journal of Monetary Economics, 36, 65-91, 1995.
- “Interpreting Tests of the Convergence Hypothesis,” with A. Bernard, Journal of Econometrics, 71, 161-173, 1996.
- “A Theory of Persistent Income Inequality,” Journal of Economic Growth, 1, 75-93, 1996. Reprinted in Income Distribution (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics), M. Sattinger, ed., Edward Elgar, 2001.
- “Bilateral Interactions and Aggregate Fluctuations,” in Proceedings of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts Volume III, V. Lakshmikantham ed., Walter DeGruyter, 1996.
- “Long Run Economic Growth,” with B. Raj and J. Helliwell, Empirical Economics, 21, 1-10, 1996.
- “Neighborhood Feedbacks, Endogenous Stratification, and Income Inequality,” in Dynamic Disequilibrium Modelling: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Economic Theory and Econometrics, W. Barnett, G. Gandolfo, and C. Hillinger, eds., Cambridge University Press, 1996.
- “An Incomplete Markets Model of Business Cycles,” Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 2, 191-212, 1996.
- “Associational Redistribution: A Defense,” Politics and Society, 24, 4, 391-410, 1996. Reprinted in Recasting Egalitarianism, E. O. Wright ed., New York: Verso Press.
- “Limits to Science or Limits to Epistemology?,” Complexity, 2, 3, 31-37, 1997.
- “Introduction” in The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II, W. B. Arthur, S. N. Durlauf and D. Lane, eds., Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley, 1997.
- “Statistical Mechanics Approaches to Socioeconomic Behavior,” in The Economy as an Evolving Complex System II, W. B. Arthur, S. N. Durlauf and D. Lane, eds., Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley, 1997.
- “What Should Policymakers Know About Economic Complexity?” The Washington Quarterly, 21, 1, 157-165, 1998.
- “A Formal Model of Theory Choice in Science,” with W. Brock, Economic Theory, 14, 113-130, 1999. Reprinted in Science Bought and Sold: The New Economics of Science, P. Mirowski and E. Sent, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
- “How Can Statistical Mechanics Contribute to the Study of Social Science?,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96, 10582-10584, 1999.
- “The Case “Against” Social Capital,” Focus, 20, 3, 1-4, 1999.
- “The New Empirics of Economic Growth,” with D. Quah, in Handbook of Macroeconomics, J. Taylor and M. Woodford eds., North-Holland, 1999.
- “The Memberships Theory of Inequality: Ideas and Implications,” in Elites, Minorities, and Economic Growth, E. Brezis and P. Temin, eds., North Holland, 1999.
- “Econometric Analysis and the Study of Economic Growth: A Skeptical Perspective,” in Macroeconomics and the Real World, R. Backhouse and A. Salanti, eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
- “A Manifesto for Growth Econometrics,” Journal of Econometrics, 100, 65-69, 2001.
- “The New Social Economics,” with H. P. Young, in Social Dynamics, S. Durlauf and H. P. Young, eds., Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.
- “The Interactions-Based Approach to Socioeconomic Behavior,” with L. Blume, in Social Dynamics, S. Durlauf and H. P., Young, eds., Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001.
- “Discrete Choice with Social Interactions,” with W. Brock, Review of Economic Studies, 68, 2, 235-260, 2001. Reprinted in Complexity in Economics (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics), J. B. Rosser and K. Kramer eds., Edward Elgar, 2004.
- “The Local Solow Growth Model,” with A. Kourtellos and A. Minkin, European Economic Review, 45, 928-940, 2001.
- “Growth Empirics and Reality,” with W. Brock, World Bank Economic Review, 15, 229-272, 2001.
- “Interactions-Based Models,” with W. Brock, in Handbook of Econometrics, vol. 5, J. Heckman and E. Leamer eds., Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2001.
- “Social Interactions and Fertility Transitions,” with J. Walker, in Diffusion Processes and Fertility Transition: Selected Perspectives, J. Casterline ed., Washington DC: National Academy Press, 2001.
- “A Framework for the Study of Individual Behavior and Social Interactions,” Sociological Methodology, 31, 47-87, 2001.
- “The Memberships Theory of Poverty: The Role of Group Affiliations In Determining Socioeconomic Outcomes,” in Understanding Poverty in America, S. Danziger and R. Haveman, eds., Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2002.
- “Bowling Alone: A Review Essay,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 47, 3, 259-273, 2002.
- “On the Empirics of Social Capital,” Economic Journal, 112, 459-479, 2002.
- “A Multinomial Choice Model with Neighborhood Effects,” with W. Brock, American Economic Review, 92, 298-303, 2002.
- “The Convergence Hypothesis After 10 Years,” Revista Economica de Castilla-La Mancha, 2, 55-74, 2003.
- “Is Assortative Matching Efficient?,” with A. Seshadri, Economic Theory, 21, 2-3, 475-493, 2003.
- “Policy Evaluation and Empirical Growth Research,” in Economic Growth: Sources, Trends, and Cycles, N. Loayza and R. Soto eds., Santiago: Central Bank of Chile, 2003.
- “Policy Analysis in Uncertain Economic Environments (with discussion),” with W. Brock and K. West, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, 235-322, 2003.
- “Equilibrium Concepts for Social Interaction Models,” with L. Blume, International Game Theory Review, 5, 3, 193-209, 2003.
- “Elements of a Theory of Design Limits to Optimal Policy,” with W. Brock, The Manchester School, 72, Supplement 2, 1-18, 2004.
- “Neighborhood Effects,” in Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, vol. 4, J. V. Henderson and J.-F. Thisse, eds., Amsterdam: North Holland, 2004.
- “Social Interactions Models,” with E. Cohen-Cole, in Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, K. Lempf-Leonard, ed., Academic Press, 2004.
- “Complexity and Empirical Economics,” Economic Journal, 112. 483, 225-243, 2005.
- “Local Robustness Analysis: Theory and Application,” with W. Brock, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29, 11, 2067-2092, 2005.
- “Identifying Social Interactions: A Review,” with L. Blume, in Methods in Social Epidemiology, J. M. Oakes and J. Kaufman, eds., San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005.
- “Multinomial Choice with Social Interactions,” with W. Brock, in The Economy as an Evolving Complex System III, L. Blume and S. Durlauf, eds., New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.
- “Groups, Social Influences, and Inequality: A Memberships Theory Perspective on Poverty Traps,” in Poverty Traps, S. Bowles, S. Durlauf, and K. Hoff, eds., Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006.
- “Social Capital,” with M. Fafchamps, in Handbook of Economic Growth, P. Aghion and S. Durlauf, eds., Amsterdam: North Holland, 2006.
- “Growth Econometrics,” with P. Johnson and J. Temple, in Handbook of Economic Growth, P. Aghion and S. Durlauf, eds., Amsterdam: North Holland, 2006.
- “Racial Profiling as a Public Policy Question: Efficiency, Equity, and Ambiguity,” American Economic Review, 92, 2, 132-136, 2006.
- “Macroeconomics and Model Uncertainty,” with W. Brock, in Post-Walrasian Macroeconomics: Beyond the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model, D. Colander, ed., New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
- “Social Interactions and Macroeconomics,” with W. Brock, in Post-Walrasian Macroeconomics: Beyond the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model, D. Colander, ed., New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
- “Assessing Racial Profiling,” Economic Journal, 116, 515, F402-F426, 2006.
- “Model Uncertainty and Policy Evaluation: Some Theory and Empirics,” with W. Brock and K. West, Journal of Econometrics, 136, 2, 629-664, 2007.
- “Identification of Binary Choice Models with Social Interactions,” with W. Brock, Journal of Econometrics, 140, 1, 52-75, 2007.
- “Simple versus Optimal Rules as Guides to Policy,” with W. Brock, J. Nason, and G. Rondina, Journal of Monetary Economics, 54, 5, 1372-1396, 2007.
- “Empirics of Growth and Development,” with C. M. Tan and A. Kourtellos, International Handbook of Development Economics, A. K. Dutt and J. Ros, eds., Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2007.
- “Exchangeability,” “Microeconomics,” “Optimization,” “Principal-Agent Problems,” and “Prisoner’s Dilemma,” with W. Brock, for International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, W. Darity ed., 2007.
- “Convergence” (with P. Johnson), “Economic Growth: Stylized Facts,” (with P. Johnson), “Instrumental Variables” (with C. Bates and M. Buchinsky), “ISLM” (with D. Hester), “Path Dependence,” “William Sharpe,” “Statistical Mechanics,” and “Stigma” (with L. Blume), New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, revised edition, L. Blume and S. Durlauf, eds., 2008.
- “Regression Versus Variance Tests for Social Interactions,” with H. Tanaka, Economic Inquiry, 46, 1, 25-28, 2008.
- “Memberships and Inequality,” in Handbook of Social Capital, D. Castiglione, J. van Deth and G. Wolleb, eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
- “Are Any Growth Theories Robust?,” with C. M. Tan and A. Kourtellos, Economic Journal, 118, 527, 329-346, 2008.
- “Affirmative Action, Meritocracy, and Efficiency,” Politics, Philosophy, & Economics, 7, 2, 131-158, 2008.
- “Frequency-Specific Effects of Stabilization Policies,” with W. Brock and G. Rondina, American Economic Review, 98, 2, 241-245, 2008.
- “On the Interpretation of Aggregate Crime Regressions,” with S. Navarro and D. Rivers, in Crime Trends, A. Goldberger and R. Rosenfeld, eds., Washington DC: National Academy of Sciences Press, 2008.
- “James Tobin and Growth Theory: Financial Factors and Long Run Growth,” with R. Dimand, History of Political Economy, 41, Supplement 1, 182-199, 2009.
- “The Rise and Fall of Cross-Country Growth Regressions,” History of Political Economy, 41, Supplement 1 315-333, 2009.
- “The Econometrics of Convergence,” with P. Johnson and J. Temple, in Handbook of Econometrics, T. Mills and K. Patterson eds., London: Macmillan, 2009.
- “The Methods of Growth Econometrics,” with P. Johnson and J. Temple, in Handbook of Econometrics, T. Mills and K. Patterson, eds., London: Macmillan, 2009.
- “Lionel Robbins on Economic Generalizations and Reality in the Light of Modern Econometrics,” with R. Backhouse, Economica, 76, S1, 873-890, 2009.
- “Model Uncertainty and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment,” with E. Cohen-Cole, J. Fagan, and D. Nagin, American Law and Economics Review, 11, 335-369, 2009.
- “Adoption Curves and Social Interactions,” with W. Brock, Journal of the European Economic Association, 8, 232-251, 2010.
- “Social Interactions,” with Y. Ioannides, Annual Review of Economics, 2, 451-478, 2010.
- “Understanding Aggregate Crime Regressions,” with S. Navarro and D. Rivers, Journal of Econometrics, 158, 2, 306-317, 2010.
- “Identification of Social Interactions,” with L. Blume, W. Brock and Y. Ioannides, in Handbook of Social Economics, J. Benhabib, A. Bisin, and M. Jackson, eds., Amsterdam: North Holland, 2011.
- “Imprisonment and Crime: Can Both be Reduced?,” with D. Nagin, Criminology and Public Policy, 10, 1, 13-54, 2011. Reprinted in Sentencing, T. Brooks, ed., Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2014.
- “The Deterrent Effect of Imprisonment,” with D. Nagin, in Controlling Crime, P. Cook, J. Ludwig, and J. McCrary, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.
- “Poverty Traps and Appalachia,” in Appalachian Legacy: Economic Opportunity After the War on Poverty, J. Ziliak, ed., Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2012.
- “On the Observational Implications of Taste-Based Discrimination in Racial Profiling,” with W. Brock, J. Cooley, and S. Navarro, Journal of Econometrics, 166, 1, 66-78, 2012.
- “Complexity, Economics, and Public Policy,” Politics, Philosophy, & Economics, 11, 1, 45-75, 2012.
- “Assumptions Matter: Model Uncertainty and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment,” with C. Fu and S, Navarro, American Economic Review, 102, 3, 487-492, 2012.
- “Nonlinearities in Growth: From Evidence to Policy,” with E. Cohen-Cole and G. Rondina, Journal of Macroeconomics, 34, 1, 42-58, 2012.
- “Is God in the Details? A Reexamination of the Role of Religion in Economic Growth,” with A. Kourtellos and C. M. Tan, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27, 7, 1059-1075, 2012.
- “Model Uncertainty and Empirical Policy Analysis in Economics: A Selective Review,” Advances in Austrian Economics, R. Koppl, S. Horwitz and L. Dobuzinskis, eds., vol 17, 203-226, 2012.
- “Process and Context in Choice Models,” with M. Abou-Zaid, M. Ben-Akiva, P.-A. Chiappori, M. M. Fosgerau, D, Fukuda, S. Hess, M. de Lapparent, D. McFadden, C. Manski, A. Pakes, A. de Palma, N. Picard, and J. Walker, Marketing Letters, 23, 2, 439-456, 2012.
- “Pitfalls in the Use of Time Series Methods to Study Deterrence and Capital Punishment,” with K. Charles, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 29, 1, 45-66, 2013.
- “Capital Punishment and Deterrence: Understanding Disparate Results,” with C. Fu and S. Navarro, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 29, 1, 103-121, 2013.
- “Design Limits and Dynamic Policy Analysis,” with W. Brock and G. Rondina, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37, 2710-2728, 2013.
- “Linear Social Interactions Models,” with L. Blume, W. Brock, and R. Jayaraman, Journal of Political Economy, 123, 2, 445-496, 2015.
- “Capital in the Twenty-First Century: A Review Essay,” with L. Blume, Journal of Political Economy, 123: 749-777, 2015.
- “Poverty Traps,” with I. Shaorshadze, Encyclopedia of World Poverty, M. Odekon and J. Geoffrey Golson, eds., Sherman Oaks: Sage Publishing, 2015.
- “Intergenerational Mobility,” with I. Shaorshadze, Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Robert A. Scott and Stephen M. Kosslyn, eds., Sherman Oaks, Sage Publishing, 2015.
- “On Sturdy Policy Evaluation,” with W. Brock, Journal of Legal Studies, 44, S2: S447-S473, 2015.
- “Model Uncertainty and the Effect of Shall-Issue Right-to-Carry Laws on Crime,” with S. Navarro and D. Rivers, European Economic Review, 81: 32-67, 2016.
- “Status Traps,” with A. Kourtellos and C. M. Tan, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 35: 265-287, 2017.
- “Social Capital,” and “Affirmative Action.” with T. K. Tan, SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, F. M. Moghaddam, ed. Sherman Oaks, Sage Publishing, 2017.
- “Understanding the Great Gatsby Curve,” with A. Seshadri, Macroeconomics Annual, 2018.
- “Institutions, Development, and Growth, Where Does the Evidence Stand?,” The Handbook of Economic Development and Institutions, F. Bourguignon, J.-P. Platteau, eds., Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020.
- Comment on Roland Fryer’s “An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force,” with J. Heckman, Journal of Political Economy, 120: 3998-4002, 2020.
- “The Great Gatsby Curve,” with C.M. Tan and A. Kourtellos, Annual Review of Economics, 2022.
- “The Journey of Humanity by Oded Galor: A Review Essay,” Population and Development Review, 49: 403-421, 2023.
- “Everybody’s Talkin’ at Me: Levels of Majority Language Acquisition by Minority Language Speakers,” with W. Brock, B. Chen, and S. Weber, Economic Theory, forthcoming.
- “Intergenerational Mobility,” with N. Cholli, The Inequality Reader, Fifth Edition, D. Grusky, N. Dahir and C. Daviss, eds, forthcoming.
- “How the World Became Rich by Mark Koyama and Jared Rubin and Slouching Towards Utopia, by J. Bradford DeLong: A Review Essay,” Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming.
- “Economic and Sociological Approaches to Intergenerational Mobility: A Review,” with T. Coleman and X. Song, Sociological Compass, conditionally accepted.
Working Papers
- “A Trajectories-Based Approach to Measuring Intergenerational Mobility,” with Y. Chang, S. Lee, and J. Park, 2023.
- “An Empirical Investigation of Intergenerational Mobility in Korea,” with Y. Chang, S. Lee, and J. Park, 2023.
- “The Evolution of Black-White Differences in Occupational Mobility Across Post-Civil War America,” with G. Kim, D. Lee, and X. Song, 2024.
- “Immobility as Memory: Some New Approaches to Characterizing Intergenerational Dependence via Markov Chains,” with L. Blume, N. Cholii, and A. Lukina, 2024.
- “Accounting for Individual-Specific Heterogeneity in Intergenerational Income Mobility,” with Y. Chang, B. Hu, and J. Park.
- “Understanding the Heterogeneity of Intergenerational Mobility across Neighborhoods,” with N. Cholli, R. Landerso, and S. Navarro, 2024.
Commentaries, Discussions, and Miscellany
- “Discussion of “Debt Neutrality, Redistribution, and Consumer Heterogeneity: A Survey and Some Extensions” by W. Buiter,” in Money, Macroeconomics, and Economic Policy: Essays in Honor of James Tobin, W. Brainard, W. Nordhaus and H. Watts, eds., Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.
- “Commentary on “Historical Macroeconomics and American Economic History” by Charles Calomiris and Christopher Hanes,” in Macroeconometrics: Developments, Tensions and Prospects, K. Hoover, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
- “Discussion of “On Growth and Indeterminacy: Some Theory and Evidence,” by Jess Benhabib and Jordi Gali,” Carnegie-Rochester Series on Public Policy, 43, 213-224, 1995.
- “On the Convergence and Divergence of Growth Rates: Introduction,” Economic Journal, 106, 1016-1018, 1996.
- “Swaying Public Beliefs: Comment on “Is Equality Passe?,” by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis,” Boston Review, 23, 6, p. 20, 1998.
- “In Defense of Traditional Egalitarianism,” The Good Society, 9, 3, 2000.
- “Rejoinder to Discussion of “A Framework for the Study of Individual Behavior and Social Interactions,” Sociological Methodology, 31, 123-128, 2001.
- “Discussion of “Why Doesn’t the US Have a European-Style Social Welfare State?,” by A. Alesina, E. Glaeser, and B. Sacerdote,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2, 2001.
- “Discussion of “The Role of Models and Probabilities in the Monetary Policy Process” by C. Sims,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2, 2002.
- “Discussion of “The Empirics of Growth: An Update,” by Barry Bosworth and Susan Collins,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2, 2003.
- “An Interview with Costas Azariadis,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 11, 249-271, 2007.
- “Discussion of “General Equilibrium Effects of Prison on Crime: Evidence from International Comparisons” by Justin McCrary and Sarath Sanga,” Cato Papers on Public Policy, 2012.
- “Modesty Can Be Constructive: Linking Theory and Evidence in Social Science,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 1, 81, 2014.
- “Theory Matters for Identifying a Causal Role for Genetic Factors in Socioeconomic Outcomes,” with A. Rustichini, Brain and Behavior Sciences, 46, 2023.
Book Reviews
- Review of “Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Instability” by William A. Brock, David A. Hsieh and Blake LeBaron, Journal of Economic Literature, 31, 1, 232-234, 1993.
- Review of “Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy” by W. Brian Arthur, Complexity, 1, 3, 37-38, 1995.
- Review of “Convergence of Productivity: Cross-National Studies and Historical Evidence,” William Baumol, Richard Nelson and Edward Wolff, eds., Journal of Economic Literature, XXXIII, 2019-2020, 1995.
- Review of “Full House” by Stephen J. Gould, Complexity, 2, 2, 44-46, 1996.
- Review of “Growing Artificial Societies” by Robert Axtell and Joshua Epstein, Complexity, 2, 3, 47-49, 1997.
- Review of “Impossibility” by John Barrow, Times Higher Education Supplement, p. 25, September 3, 1998.
- Review of “System Effects” by Robert Jervis, Emergence, 1, 2, 194-197, 1999.
- Review of “Growth, Inequality, and Globalization: Theory, History, and Policy” by Philippe Aghion, and Jeffrey Williamson, Journal of Economic Literature, 38, 3, 637-638, 2000.
- Review of “The Effortless Economy of Science?,” by Philip Mirowski, American Scientist, 93, March-April, 187-188, 2005.
- Review of “Cognitive Economics: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” Paul Bourgine and Jean-Pierre Nadal, eds., Journal of Economic Literature, 43, 2, 501-502, 2005.
- Review of “Computability, Complexity, and Constructivity in Economic Analysis,” K. Vela Villapillai, ed., Economica, 74, 295, 566-567, 2007.
- Review of “Reconstructing Macroeconomics: A Perspective from Statistical Physics and Combinational Stochastic Processes” M. Aoki and H. Yoshikawa, Economica, 76, 301, 212-213. 2008.
Op Eds
- “Defending Affirmative Action,” Capital Times, November 7, 1998.
- “We Still Need Coherent Plan to Fight Terror,” Wisconsin State Journal, May 12, 2003.
- “Free Community College is an Empty Proposal,” Wisconsin State Journal, January 15, 2015.
- “Creating a No-Fly Zone or Sending U.S Troops to Ukraine Would be Disastrous, with L. Blume, Chicago Tribune, March 17, 2022.
- “Need An Example of Systemic Discrimination in Action? Study the Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmation,” with D. McMillon, Atlanta Voice, May 5, 2022.
- “US Supreme Court Affirmative Action Misses the Point on Fairness,” with D. McMillon, Detroit Free Press, July 3, 2023.