
What it is and why it is important

Health research investigates the factors that influence health outcomes and disparities across different populations and how these health outcomes impact individuals’ life chances.

Our research helps in developing policies and interventions that promote equitable health outcomes for all population groups.

Key research topics in this field include:

  • The social determinants of health, including income, education, and environment.
  • Health disparities based on race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status.
  • The impact of public health policies and healthcare access on population health.

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Episode #7: Michael Esposito on Racial Health Disparities

Featured Episode In Health

October 2, 2023
Steven and Geoff are joined by Michael Esposito to discuss racial health disparities that continue to plague the U.S. They explore how redlining, law enforcement practices, and unequal access to medical care contribute to racial gaps in health and mortality outcomes.