Caterina Calsamiglia
ICREA Research Professor at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Caterina Calsamiglia is an ICREA Research Professor and the group leader of the Computational Social Science and Humanities unit at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), where she also leads the Welfare and Equity Group. Her work focuses on integrating AI and data-intensive solutions into public policy, with a particular emphasis on market design and education policy. She holds a PhD in Economics from Yale University and engage in research spanning theoretical, experimental, and empirical methodologies.
Together with an interdisciplinary team, she has developed Pentabilities, a methodology designed to foster socioemotional learning by incorporating behavioral feedback collected in classrooms. Between September 2022 and March 2024, she led the design and implementation of four large-scale randomized controlled trials (RCTs) across Catalunya, Andalucía, Ceuta, and Melilla. Three of these RCTs were carried out through Fundació Bofill’s Suport Educatiu program, and the fourth through Fundesplai’s Hedera program.
Calsamiglia is affiliated with the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity group, the Stone Center at the University of Chicago, IZA, CEPR, and JPAL as an invited researcher. She also collaborates with interdisciplinary initiatives such as Cooperation4Climate and the BESSI team in psychology.