
What it is and why it is important

Methodology research focuses on developing and refining research methods in the collection, measurement, and analysis of data to ensure accurate, reliable, and valid findings in our research.

High-quality research methods produce evidence that can effectively inform policy decisions, leading to more effective and data-informed interventions.

Key research topics in this field include:

  • The development of causal inference methods to test social interventions and policies.
  • The integration of machine learning techniques to analyze large-scale data and uncover complex pattern.
  • The advancement of survey methodologies to improve data collection and reliability.

Whatever niche you find in the social sciences, you want to be a complete master of the tools in that field.

Steven Durlauf

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Episode #20: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Wealth Inequality, Featuring Alberto Bisin and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud

Featured Episode In Methodology

January 13, 2025
Host Steven Durlauf speaks with Alberto Bisin and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud on how insights from physics, math, and history transform the study of wealth inequality.