Debopam Bhattacharya
Professor, University of Cambridge
Fellow (Title C), Trinity College, Cambridge
Debopam Bhattacharya is a member of the Faculty of Economics and a Fellow of Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. He received his doctoral degree in Economics from Princeton University in 2003.
Bhattacharya’s research interest is in Micro-econometrics and its applications. The problems he analyzes typically arise from challenges facing empirical researchers studying micro-level data to understand economic decisions to predict the potential impact of public policies on individual outcomes and welfare.
His past works have received global recognition. His most cited pieces of work are the ones which were collaborations with applied researchers, Bhash Mazumder of the Chicago Federal Reserve and Pascaline Dupas of Stanford, analyzing intergenerational income mobility and optimal targeting of government subsidies, respectively. He has regularly published in and has been appointed to editorial positions at major international journals, he has won the European Research Council’s Consolidator-grant (the European equivalent of the NSF Career award), was elected to a life-fellowship of the Journal of Econometrics and was invited to write a survey-article on his main research topic, empirical welfare analysis, at the Journal of Economic Literature.