Research Papers

Explore the latest working papers and publications from our community of scholars. Here, you will find cutting-edge empirical research on socioeconomic disparities, barriers to social mobility, and the strategies to ameliorate inequality.


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How Do Macroaggregates and Income Distribution Interact Dynamically? A Novel Structural Mixed Autoregression with Aggregate and Functional Variables

Working Paper

Generalized Multivariate Gaps: A Proposed Gender Gap

Working Paper

Accounting for Individual-Specific Heterogeneity in Intergenerational Income Mobility

Working Paper

Immobility As Memory: Some New Approaches to Characterizing Intergenerational Persistence via Markov Chains

Working Paper

Understanding the Heterogeneity of Intergenerational Mobility across Neighborhoods

Working Paper

Deep Learning with DAGs

Working Paper

Analytic Approaches to Measuring the Black-White Wealth Gap

Working Paper

A Coefficient of Variation for Ordered Categorical Data

Working Paper

Are Neighborhood Effects Explained by Differences in School Quality?


Universal Cash Transfers and Inflation
